2024 | 11 3 Adjust the limit stops by attaching a drill fitted with the attached hex-head bit to the motor shaft. 5 Once the limit position for ’HI’ has been set, rotate the drive in the opposite direction, as described above, into limit position ’II’ (see direction of rotation arrow beside the output shaft). Once the desired limit position has been reached, you can save limit position ’HII’. To do this, press and hold down the ‘S’ button while also pressing the ‘HII’ button until LED ‘HII’ changes from red to green. 6 Then check whether the limit positions have been set. To do this, press the ‘S’ button: All three LEDs (LED ‘HI’ / LED ‘HII’ / LED ‘S’) must light up green. If they do not, repeat the setting procedure for limit positions, as described above. 7 Connect up the drive to the power supply unit. Fit the cover and the rubber gasket using the 4 screws and the 4 washers provided. Note: No washers are provided for EWA 50-56. Then connect up the electrical power supply and start up the unit (test run) in accordance with the instructions in the EWA Operating Manual (Electrical connection, Chapter 6 ff. and Initial start-up, Chapter 6.5) 4 Use the drill to rotate the shaft in direction of rotation ’I’ until you have reached the desired limit position (see direction of rotation arrow on housing beside the output shaft). It is also possible to start with the limit position for ’HII’ (see Step 5). Once the desired limit position has been reached, save limit position ’HI’. To do this, hold down button ’S’ and also press button ’HI’ until LED ’HI’ changes from red to green. LOCK BEWEGT // LOCK MOVES 10 SETTING CHAPTER 11 – SERVICE