HOOFDSTUK 12 – INFORMATIE Informatie 3 2023 | 06 SI (metric) units > Inch-Pound units Measure From SI (metric) unit To Inch-Pound unit Multiply by Exact factor Area cm² in.² 0.155 000 304 – Area m² ft² 10.763 910 – Area ha acre 2.471 044 – Force, thrust, drag N lbf 0.224 808 9 – Length km mile 0.621 371 2 – Length m yd 1.093 613 – Length m ft 3.280 84 – Length cm in. 0.393 701 – Length mm in. 0.039 370 1 – Mass kg lb 2.204 62 – Mass g oz 0.035 374 – Mass per area kg/m² lb/ft² 0.204 816 – Mass per length kg/m lb/ft 0.671 969 – Torque Nm lbf·in. (= in.-lb) 8.850 748 – Torque Nm lbf·ft 0.737 562 – Power kW hp (550 ft·lbf/s) 1.341 022 – Temperature °C °F t [°F] = t [°C] * 1.8+32  Volume m³ ft³ 35.314 667 – Volume L gal 0.264 172 – Inch-Pound units > SI (metric) units Measure From Inch-Pound unit To SI (metric) unit Multiply by Exact factor Area in.² cm² 6.451 6  Area ft² m² 0.092 903 04  Area acre ha 0.404 687 3 – Force, thrust, drag lbf N 4.448 222 – Length mile km 1.609 344  Length yd m 0.914 4 – Length ft m 0.304 8  Length in. cm 2,54  Length in. mm 25,4  Mass lb kg 0.453 592 4 – Mass oz g 28.349 52 – Mass per area lb/ft² kg/m² 4.882 428 – Mass per length lb/ft kg/m 1.488 164 – Torque lbf·in. (= in.-lb) Nm 0.112 984 8 – Torque lbf·ft Nm 1.355 818 – Power hp (550 ft·lbf/s) kW 0.745 699 9 – Temperature °F °C t [°C] = (t [°F] -32) / 1.8  Volume ft³ m³ 0.028 316 85 – Volume gal L 3.785 412 – Omrekenfactoren